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عرض المشاركات من أبريل 8, 2020

مطلوب موظف External Evaluation of SARD's PSEA-CSG Policy

مطلوب موظف External Evaluation of SARD's PSEA-CSG Policy  Background The Syrian Association for Relief and Development (SARD) is a humanitarian non-profit agency created in 2013 that provides multi-sectoral emergency relief and rehabilitation assistance to vulnerable communities in northwest Syria. SARD is headquartered in Antakya (Turkey) and has a field office with its partners in Sarmada (Syria). A team of 100+ staff based in Syria is implementing humanitarian activities, including the distribution of cooked meals, NFI/ hygiene kits, food baskets/vouchers and rehabilitation of shelters for the most vulnerable households. Field teams are supported by the Turkey-based team. As a humanitarian actor in Northwest Syria, SARD is committed to preventing sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and child exploitation and abuse (CSG) within its organizational and operational structure. In 2019, SARD developed its PSEA-CSG policy, trained all SARD’s staff on protection principles and...