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مطلوب موظف مدير مشروع للعمل لدى هيئة الاغاثة الانسانية IYD في غازي عنتاب

مطلوب موظف مدير مشروع للعمل لدى هيئة الاغاثة الانسانية IYD في غازي عنتاب 

IYD – Humanitarian Relief Association

Deadline for applications: 12/03/2020

Position: Project Manager.

Location: Turkey-Gaziantep.

Working Area: Office.

About: IYD – Humanitarian Relief Association:

IYD is a Turkish, non-governmental, non-profit and has no political association working in various fields of humanitarian relief, development, and education.

IYD was established early 2013 in Turkey.

IYD was registered in 2014 with a license No. (34-203/022) and it has been working according to Turkish Organizations Law No. /5253/ under the name: ULUSLARARASI INSANI YARDIMLAŞMA DERNEĞI

IYD’s office are spread throughout Turkey and Syria as following:
Turkey: Istanbul – Gaziantep.
Syria: Aleppo – Idleb.

IYD vision:

In science and work, pioneers in developing ways of life to draw smiles and instill hope.

IYD mission:

To provide the best services to develop the affected societies, meeting the basic needs according to the international standards and within a unique ethical methodology.

Our values:

Respecting others

IYD strategic goals:
Working on ensuring a decent life for all the affected people.
Rehabilitation and construction of the damaged infrastructure.
Securing the daily basic needs.
Raising and revitalizing the capacities of the Syrian Civil Society.


Job Title: Project Manager

Project / Department Title: Livestock and Agriculture Project

Direct supervisor / Reports to: Programmes Manager

Overall objective of the job:

Lead and monitor the assigned livelihood project, effectively managing and reporting on the project in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget with a focus on response to the dynamic security situation in the working area. Manage and oversee the agriculture and livestock activities in Syria to meet IYD standards and objectives. Encourage beneficiary participation, liaise with other stakeholders, and contribute to the development of the project process. Day to day follow-up with the field team, agriculture and livestock advisors, and donor’s counterpart. Ensure the sustainability of the implemented activities stated in the log frame and other project documents.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Project Management
Manage the project in order to meet its objectives within the logical framework, budget and the allotted time frame.
Contribute to the development and implementation of an appropriate livelihood, agriculture and livestock strategies.
Continuously monitor and supervise project activities, evaluate progress using outputs and impact.
Ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities according to applicable timeframes and formats.
Ensure the project targets most vulnerable and most in need beneficiaries, explore and assess new and better ways to assist them.
Prepare daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly narrative report and submit them accordingly.
Liaise with donors’ program staff for matters related to project implementation at the field level.
Ensure gender and protection principles are mainstreamed throughout the project planning, implementation and reporting.
Coordinate with technical advisors; agriculture and livestock and translate their technical advices to actions on the ground and prepare reports accordingly.
Act as a budget holder, review actual Vs budget, and prepare projection for the project.

Staff Management
Line-manage field team staff, including day-to-day management and development.
Facilitate regular meetings to assist information sharing among project staff, to ensure awareness of project objectives and current work plans and to provide the opportunity for feedback.
Provide coaching and technical supervision to field project officer, technicians , M&E, and other staff to develop appropriate implementation of the project’s activities.
Ensure capacity building of project staff and transfer of key skills.

Financial Management

Manage budget and ensure that all expenses are coded appropriately and according to budget and meet IYD standards with regard to financial management, including accountability and good governance.
Approve all project expenditures and expense coding; ensure proper financial procedures are followed.
Monitor budget versus actual expenditures on a monthly or quarterly basis to ensure appropriate spending and raise alerts when there are major account overspends or underspends.
Review all PDFs and programme expenses for accuracy, appropriateness, and completeness prior to signing.

Communication and Coordination
Develop and maintain appropriate communication with the team and other relevant stakeholders.
Participate in food security and livelihoods coordination meetings, IYD internal trainings, and other working meetings.
Proactively network and coordinate with the food security and livelihood cluster and other agencies to seek out coordination and collaboration.
Review and update project agreements, Memoranda of Understanding for programme implementation.
Ensure clear internal coordination within the IYD staff of different specialties.


Ensure stock, purchase requests, cash forecasts and movement requests are submitted appropriately.
Ensure food distribution teams are adequately supported in the field – transportation, food, water, supplies, cash.
Support the logistics activities of field staff, particularly in relation to the purchasing of supplies.
Liaise with the field project staff to ensure that quality items are procured, transported, stored.

Quality Management

Ensure project implementation is according to IYD and donor guidelines.
Set objectives for livelihoods assessments and interventions, monitoring progress.
Improve the quality of the livelihood project, to improve the quality of assessments, monitoring & evaluation, implementation of Core Humanitarian Standards and protection mainstreaming.
Monitor monthly project data, carry out analysis of quality and analysis of project implementation based on data.
Support the M&E team to ensure accurate and appropriate data is collected and tabulated appropriately.

Security Management:
Monitoring security situation in the implementation area, report the incidents to both IYD and donor.
Ensure field team compliance with security procedures; ensure teams are equipped.


Master’s/Bachelor’s degree in economics, social sciences or other related disciplines.
Fluency in Arabic and English, both written and verbal.
Ability to use Microsoft Office programs including Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint in a professional way.

Experiences & Abilities:

At least 4 years of relevant experience in project implementation positions in a humanitarian context, preferably in livelihoods (agriculture and livestock).
Excellent leadership, coordination, and representation skills. Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills.
Excellent knowledge of the Humanitarian Reform process and the role of the humanitarian community (UN System and NGO).
Significant experience in development setting with agriculture and livestock management or managerial experience.
Demonstrated flexibility and creativity in planning and problem solving.
Excellent oral communication and written English skills required.
Applied knowledge in program management, project formulation, its program cycles, and reporting standards.
Program planning and management skills.
Well organized and ability to act in a professional and ethical manner.
Excellent communication and writing skills
Ability to organize and facilitate training sessions.
Ability to develop capacity building frameworks and work plans.
Ability to prioritize responsibilities, carry out multiple tasks simultaneously, and meet deadlines.
Commitment to IYD core value and principles.
Excellent leadership, coordination, and representation skills.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills both written and verbal.
Self-starter with ability to work with minimal supervision.
Good organizational, multitasking and time-management skills.
Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with a diverse range of people.
Proven administrative and IT skills, and an ability to maintain accurate records.

Physical and personality traits required:
Ability to travel to field locations.
Flexible and able to work well under pressure
Capable of working collaboratively with team members to achieve objectives.


Interested candidates should use the following link for registration

We are strongly encouraging females to apply for this position.

General Information:
Multi-sent CVs will be ignored (please send your CV only one time at a time).
No resume will be reviewed after the specified date for receiving CV’s to the announced vacancy.
IYD is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.
IYD does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
IYD is not able to respond to every applicant individually due to the anticipated high number of applications.
IYD retains the discretion to re-advertise the vacancy, to cancel the recruitment, to offer a contract with a modified job description or for a different duration, or to offer a contract at a lower grade.

We thank all applicants; however, only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.

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