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مطلوب موظف Regional Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Officer, ME للعمل في اسطنبول

مطلوب موظف Regional Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Officer, ME للعمل في اسطنبول 

İlan Detayları


Regional Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Officer, ME


Istanbul, Turkey

Application Deadline: 

20th April 2020


6 months with possibility of extension subject to funding

Start Date: 


Open to: 

National candidates (Turkish nationality only)

Under the direct supervision of the Regional Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Manager and in close coordination with the HQ Monitoring and Evaluation Team, the Regional Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer is responsible for conducting and facilitating activities under the scope of Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting. The role will be ME&R-wise responsible for all SPARK projects conducted in the Middle East Region which are basically higher education, entrepreneurship and civic leadership and can be scaled up based on the funds and the nature of the projects.

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

The responsibilities and tasks include, but are not limited to:


Draft donor (or internal and other external) reports, both (semi)-annual, as well as quarterly information notes and respond to ad-hoc donor reporting requests
Liaise with SPARK Country Offices to collect input on monitoring tools and donor reports.
Respond to donor (ad hoc) requests regarding targets and achievements
Support in reporting and writing (internal and external, project reports and M&E) 
Support in providing (donor) reporting templates, verification and triangulation of report figures, integration of M&E findings, and ensuring narrative cleanliness.

Data Management:

Follow up with SPARK Country Offices to verify and acquire means of verification for the collected data, as well as ensuring that they are properly stored in the Student Information System (SIS) and other related systems.
Support SPARK Country Offices with ensuring all collected data is entered in real-time into the Programme’s online Student Information System (SIS) and other related systems.
Assure that all the MoVs are in place
Follow up on the entrepreneurship-specific projects’ ME&R requirements, data collection and consolidation and ensuring they are uploaded to the online system
Data management for the entrepreneurship projects
Follow up on response rate/nonresponse, missing data, data consistency and data quality.
Data analysis and visualization

Monitoring and Evaluation:
Supporting in and writing of all M&E related reports.
Developing all the ME&R related documents (such as M&E plan, IPTTs, etc.)
Conduct, follow up and facilitate the implementation of the surveys, and other ME&R related studies/ research either directly or through third party monitoring companies in the areas of projects operation in the Middle East through for example developing and revising the necessary survey tools.
Regional ME&R field monitoring and visits to the areas of projects operation in the Middle East.
Conducting interviews and FGDs with the beneficiaries when necessary and when required.
Ensuring all kinds of survey are conducted based on the nature of the project activities such as activity satisfaction surveys, pre-post knowledge tests, exit interviews, PSS perception surveys, etc.
Development of digital data collection tools such as google forms and KOBO.
Support the country teams in preparing surveys/interviews for any ad-hoc assessments and support them in analysing the data and report on the figures.
Approval and planning of survey requests, types, schedules, deadlines and procedures.
Developing and ensuring that sampling is defined on clear standards.
Supporting in evaluation missions and responding to external evaluators or audits in ME&R matters.
Lessons learnt: capturing all the lessons learnt during the implementation of the project and through the ME&R findings and follow up on having them clearly highlighted and organized through conducting lessons learnt sessions and updating the LLT (Lessons Learnt Tracker).
Selection and verification: supporting in and developing of the selection and verification procedures and criteria for beneficiary selection and verification.
Supporting in AWP (Annual Work Planning)

Capacity Building: 

Partners’ support, follow up and capacity building
Capacity building for SPARK staff and implementing partners
Supporting in the establishment and development of the regional ME&R department
Other tasks as required.

Requirements and Skills
Minimum 2 years’ experience in humanitarian aid and/or development cooperation
At least 1 years of Reporting, Monitoring & Evaluation experience, preferably in a coordinating role;
1-2 years of experience working with large/complex databases, including testing and providing troubleshooting support;
Proven track record of donor reporting (in English) is essential
Full proficiency in English, Arabic and Turkish are strongly preferred
Analytical thinking, attention for detail, structured and precise way of working
Pro-active and independent work-mind set, strong (inter-cultural) communication skills.

SPARK Offers

A challenging and exciting position in an international environment;
Working in a small but growing office and the opportunity to take initiative and realise your ideas and plans;
Remuneration according to relevant work experience from 1.200-1.400 EUR net;
Dynamic team to work with.

How to apply?

If you are interested, please apply with motivation letter and CV (both in English) on https://vacancy.spark-online.org until 20th April 2020 with reference: Regional Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Officer, ME. If you have any questions regarding SPARK or the position, please visit our website www.spark-online.org.

All applications will be assessed on rolling basis; interviews can therefore take place before the application deadline. However, due to the large volume of applications we receive, we cannot respond to every applicant individually. There may be a delay between the deadline and the moment we contact selected applicants.

If you have not received a reply we regret to inform that we have continued with other candidates.


SPARK develops higher education and entrepreneurship to empower young, ambitious people to lead their fragile and conflict-affected societies into prosperity. SPARK is a dynamic and growing, international not-for-profit development organisation with 80+ staff members, in more than 14 offices around the world. SPARK supports refugees in the Middle-East by providing them with scholarships in universities and higher education institutions in the region. SPARK also supports young entrepreneurs in fragile states, to start or grow their own businesses.

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