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مطلوب موظف مساعد مشروع للعمل لدى المنظمة الدولية للهجرة في كهرمان -مرعش

مطلوب موظف مساعد مشروع للعمل لدى المنظمة الدولية للهجرة في كهرمان -مرعش .

Job Details 

Vacancy Notice Number:


Position Title: 

Senior Project Assistant (Protection Psychosocial Support) –


Duty Station: 

Kahramanmaraş – Turkey


6 months Special Short-Term Graded Contract (G6) – with possible extension

Deadline of Applications: 

11 March 2020

Number of People to be hired 



Internal and External Candidates

General Functions: 

Under the overall supervision of the Protection and Resilience Officer and direct supervision of National Officer (Protection Psychosocial Support) in Gaziantep, the incumbent will provide specialized assistance in the planning, implementation and monitoring of mobile outreach and psychosocial support activities. The incumbent will be prepare work plans and materials that is needed for activities in close cooperation with the social worker. Also, s/he will assist in liaising with national authorities and humanitarian stakeholders, as well as local organizations and community leaders. In addition to that, s/he will participate in coordination meetings if necessary. Finally, s/he will report all activities regularly to Gaziantep Office.

Major Duties and Responsibilities:
Support the overall management of the psychosocial and outreach activities, including coordination of administrative functions.
Prepare work plans and materials needed for family support sessions, counseling services, recreational and rights based activities for children, community mobilization, awareness sessions and informal education activities.
Assist in liaising with national authorities and professionals, including Provincial Directorate of Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Provincial Directorate Ministry of Health, Provincial Directorate of Migration Management, and municipalities.
Maintain strong relationships and ongoing exchange of information with provincial institutional, professional and NGOs and UN counterparts.
Provide technical guidance on the activities of the psychosocial/outreach mobile teams.
Actively contribute to timely and quality preparation and submission of project documents, agreements, and project reports on psychosocial activities. Contribute to the preparation of regular updates, programme summaries, and other relevant information materials and statistics, according to the specific project needs.
Participate in meetings with government entities, Case Management Group and Inter–Agency coordination meeting in coordination with the Head of Office.
Organize trainings for the mobile team and explore opportunities for them to enhance their skills.
Translate technical documents from English into Turkish/Arabic and vice-versa.
Develop monitoring and evaluation tools and undertake field visits to monitor project activities and identify shortfalls in delivery of PSS activities.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Required Qualifications:

Education & Experience:
University degree in Psychology, Sociology, human sciences, International Relations or a related field from an accredited academic institution, with four years of relevant professional experience; or
Completed High school degree from an accredited academic institution, with six years of relevant professional experience.
Experience in community outreach, psychosocial support activities in emergencies or protection related activities.


Fluency in English and Turkish is required. 
Knowledge of Arabic is an advantage.

Required Competencies

The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following values and competencies:

Inclusion and respect for diversity:

Shows respect and sensitivity towards gender, culture, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political conviction and other differences.

• Encourages the inclusion of all team members and stakeholders while demonstrating the ability to work constructively with people with different backgrounds and orientations.

• Promotes the benefits of diversity; values diverse points of view and demonstrate this in daily work and decision making.

• Challenges prejudice, biases and intolerance in the workplace.
Integrity and transparency:

Upholds and promotes the Standards of Conduct and Unified Staff Regulations and Rules.

• Delivers on commitments; manages the organization’s resources reliably and sustainably.

• Embraces and encourages transparency, balancing this with the need for discretion and confidentiality as appropriate.

• Maintains impartiality and takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour.

• Does not abuse one’s position and acts without consideration of personal gain. Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns.

Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter and willingness to improve knowledge and skills.

• Seeks to raise professional standards in self and others through daily work and activities.

• Adapts quickly to change and is decisive and versatile in face of uncertainty.

• Shows self-control and persistence when faced with difficult problems and remains calm in stressful situations.

• Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators level 2

• Fosters a sense of team spirit by developing a shared understanding, accountability and enthusiasm for the team’s work.

• Displays a high level of cultural awareness, sensitivity to different ways of working and leverages individual strengths in order to build a better team.

• Shares credit for team accomplishments and ensures that the contribution of others is recognized.

• Helps create a positive team spirit, putting aside personal considerations to help the team achieve its goals.
Delivering results:

•Produces high-quality results and workable solutions that meet clients’ needs.

• Anticipates constraints, identifies solutions and takes responsibility for addressing critical situations.

• Monitors own and others’ work in a systematic and effective way, ensuring required resources and outputs.

• Aligns projects with Organization’s mission and objectives and demonstrates a good understanding of the impact of team’s and own work on external and internal counterparts.
Managing and sharing knowledge:

•Disseminates and shares knowledge openly and actively contributes to knowledge/network communities for topics relevant to area of expertise.

• Encourages knowledge-sharing across units/departments and ensures that knowledge is captured, recorded and disseminated appropriately.

• Builds networks for the effective communication and exchange of knowledge and ideas and puts others into contact with various sources of knowledge.

• Contributes to an environment that is conducive to innovation and learning.

• Proactively seeks responsibility in delivering towards the goals of the Organization.

• Plans and organizes work with a clear and deliberate focus, ensuring commitments are easily identified and progress is widely communicated.

• Stands by the actions of team or department, publicly accepting ownership.

• Takes responsibility of own shortcomings and those of the work unit, where applicable

•Speaks and writes clearly and effectively.

• Seeks to share information with others, with due respect for diversity and the confidentiality of specific sensitive information.

• Listens and seeks to understand without bias, and responds appropriately.

• Shares information and keeps others up to date; actively seeks others' views and ideas and respects their contribution.

Managerial Competencies[1] – behavioural indicators level 2

• Assigns responsibilities fairly and manages performance, taking account of individual strengths, workloads and interests.

• Is inclusive in decision-making and actively seeks feedback from team members and colleagues in order to identify opportunities for improvement.

• Takes sound and timely managerial decisions that are consistent with the Organization's vision and purpose.

• Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of stakeholders to understand needs and gain support.
Empowering others and building trust:

•Delegates appropriately to make the most of others’ talents, clarifying expectations and allowing autonomy in important areas while providing necessary support.

• Encourages others to take responsibility for their performance; promotes ownership, responsibility and accountability for desired results at all levels.

• Creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence in which others can talk and act without fear of repercussion.

• Gives proper credit to others, shows appreciation and rewards achievement and effort.
Strategic thinking and vision:

•Aligns own actions to the Organization’s vision, values and mandate.

• Translates strategic direction into short and medium-term plans and objectives for own team; revises objectives to reflect changes in organizational goals.

• Identifies key issues/priorities in complex situations and how they may be related to one another.

• Clearly communicates links between the Organization’s strategy and the work unit’s goals.


Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this vacancy notice is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.

Only candidates residing in either the country of the duty station or from a location in a neighbouring country that is within commuting distance of the duty station will be considered. In all cases, a prerequisite for taking up the position is legal residency in the country of the duty station, or in the neighbouring country located within commuting distance, and work permit, as applicable.

Please be advised that this is a local position and as such only applications from candidates with a valid residence / working permit residing in Turkey will be considered.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates are requested to submit their application including the most recent CV with a cover letter in English with contact details (name, position, phone and e-mail details) of three references by indicating name of the position applied with its VN number in the subject line of the e-mail by the end 11 March 2020.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Apply a Job

Reference Code : SVN#TR/2020/48
Email : iomtrjobs@iom.int
please send your application to the email address with reference code..

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