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مطلوب موظف للعمل لدى منظمه Care في غازي عنتاب

مطلوب موظف للعمل لدى منظمه Care في غازي عنتاب 

CARE is looking for Protection and SRH Program Manager

I - Position Summary

The Protection and SRH Program Manager will be responsible for Managing CARE’s remotely-managed protection and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) program in Northwestern Syria – programs focused on both the establishment of protection and SRH activities. Under the guidance of the Deputy Director of Programs and with support from technical experts, the Program Manager will represent CARE with relevant program stakeholders in the region; ensure that CARE’s core values are promoted; and that the protection and SRH program is principled and compliant. The Protection and SRH Program Manager will lead the implementation of the protection and SRH program strategy to ensure CARE’s intervention is timely, effective and relevant to the range of needs. S/he will manage the protection and SRH team, providing training, mentoring and capacity building for CARE staff and potentially for partner agencies as well. The Program Manager will work closely with CARE’s other Program Managers to ensure strategic integration where possible. CARE places a high value on ensuring the specific needs of women, men, boys, and girls are met, through a gender-sensitive approach that seeks transformative outcomes. The Program Manager will cooperate with key program support functions, including Finance, HR, Administration, Logistics and Procurement and will be responsible for donor coordination, program development, and reporting

II - Responsibilities and Tasks

Job Responsibility #1 Program Design and Implementation 

Advise, design and implement appropriate protection and SRH programming, with special focus on interventions that can build upon existing programming.
Provide programmatic leadership on protection and SRH activities, ensuring the strategic direction of project operations.
Provide technical leadership on protection program activities and coordinate with the Global SRHR team for technical leadership with support from SRH Manager.
Design and implement appropriate protection and SRH programs by ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.
Establish detailed implementation plans, including phased budgets, M&E and indicator tracking plans.
Work closely with CARE’s Program Quality team to ensure the integration of MEAL systems to support beneficiary accountability, donor reporting, performance metrics, and organizational learning.
Develop appropriate targeting criteria and mechanisms to ensure the needs of identified vulnerable groups are met.
Develop project proposals and long-term resource mobilization strategies.
Manage program budget lines and ensure proper and effective use of program resources.
Prepare timely program and donor reports on project activities in compliance with internal CARE requirements and any relevant external donor requirements. 

Job Responsibility #2 Information and Coordination 

Develop and support an excellent working relationship between implementing and non-implementing partners based on effective and timely communication

Liaise with local partners, NGOs, and other relevant entities for coordination and implementation, including relevant clusters.
Represent CARE in protection/GBV and relevant health/SRH cluster meetings.
Provide briefings to the Deputy Director of Programs and other staff as appropriate on the progress of project implementation 

Job Responsibility #3 Assessments and Learning 

Take the lead on the development of comprehensive protection and SRH strategy for the CARE team, including actions for mainstreaming and accountability
In close collaboration with the Program Quality team support the design of sectoral need assessments and protection and SRH needs assessment to determine priorities and immediate activities.
Based on the assessments, provide situation analysis and participate actively in developing appropriate protection and SRH strategy for emergency and chronic crisis context
Ensure that the program teams are kept informed of developments in northern Syria in the area of sectoral development, in particular by liaising with partners and other International and other institutions in the country where possible
Liaising with other COs as well as CARE regional and global levels to ensure that the protection and SRH related knowledge management systems are aligned with our strategies.
In collaboration with the program quality team, in particular, the gender and protection advisor, ensure that robust systems are applied to gather evidence and data from projects in the field to determine the robustness of strategies and the effectiveness of tools
Taking the lead in identifying successful best practices and sharing them with relevant stakeholders 

Job Responsibility #4 Staff Management and Capacity Building 

Orient and/or train key staff on the different protection strategies
Coordinate with the Program Quality team to organize learning events around protection strategies/focus areas and ensure program integration and mainstreaming
Collaborate with the PQ team to ensure that an effective system is in place for sharing best practice and communicating policies, and recommended strategies, tools and techniques with staff and partners in the projects
Manage the protection and SRH program team, including staff and consultants 
Develop capacity building plans for direct supervisees, and ensure overall protection and SRHR team have capacity building plans 

Job Responsibility #5 Emergency Response/Staff Security 

Take a lead role in facilitating timely, quality administrative support function delivery in the time of emergency response
Guide and support management on partner security concerns
Promote a safe and secure work environment; foster a safety and security culture; and ensure consistent application of, and compliance with, CARE Turkey safety and security policies and procedures. 

Problem Solving

This Program Manager will be required to adopt strategies and program activities to ensure effective and efficient implementation and achievement of all program goals. CARE's protection program is relatively new and growth is expected due to the needs in the country and the few actors in the sector. It is expected that most of this position would face level 3.


Interested candidates, please send a Curriculum Vitae in English and a Cover letter (in a separate file of no more than one A4 page) describing how your skills and experience match the requirements of this post,

following to provided link when you use apply button.

Applications in languages other than English will not be reviewed.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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